Ewing Rooster Cape #1
These full-feathered mature necks are packed with sizes to meet any tyer’s needs from dry fly hackling to large, stiff streamer wings. This is the hackle for the beginner as well as the experienced tyer who are looking for quality hackle at an affordable priceThe surge in new interest in fly tying has created a high demand for quality dry fly hackle. Availability has been limited but we are pleased to announce we have added a full line of Ewing #1 quality Dry Fly Hackle. They offer a wide range of colors and sizes. Sizes are predominantly #14-8 with some #16's on these Capes. Availability is very good and they will custom dye for us if they are out of a color they offer. Colors: Grizzly, Grizzly Medium Dun, Grizzly Bleached, Grizzly Tan, Grizzly Chartreuse, Grizzly Olive, Grizzly Ginger, Grizzly Yellow, Grizzly Red, White, Ginger, Medium Dun, Light Blue Dun, Tan, Brown, Coachman Brown, Dark Brown, Olive, Purple, Black, Silver Doctor Blue. Item# 5654