Brassie Hair Packer
For packing deer and other spun or stacked hair. Allows the tier to apply pressure along shank at the thread base. Hair may be spun or stacked over 3/16" thread base before spinning or stacking the first clump of hair. Center the thread on the 3/16" thread base. Spin or stack hair over the thread base. Advance the thread another 3/16" and center the thread over the thread base before spinning or stacking the second clump of hair. Compress the Brassie over the hook shank and pack both the thread and the hair. When compressing the hair use the opposite hand to apply an equal amount of pressure on the other side of the hair. DO NOT TWIST THE BRASSIE WHEN PACKING THE HAIR. The thread may be damaged or broken. Place a drop of head cement at the base of each compressed clump of hair. This tool maybe adjusted with needle nose pliers to permit an overlap of the face or allow both sides to abut. Three sizes: 1/32"(hook size 10-18) 3/64" (hook size 1/0-8) and 1/16" (hook size 2/0- 6/0). Item# 2080