Calf Tail
Used for dry fly wings and tails, and also for small fly streamer wings. Colors: white, black, tan, gray, yellow, chartreuse, green, brown, pink, root beer, fluorescent green, hot orange, purple, olive, hot pink, red, gold, light brown, fluorescent orange, fluorescent blue, fluorescent red, and fluorescent yellow.TIEING TIP - soak natural white calf tails in Dawn dish detergent for several hours in warm water to remove any natural oils that seeps from the tail bone. Rinse throughly with warm water. Shake out the excess water and hang tail(s) up to dry or lay on a piece of card board. You will find tieing with these really clean tails much more enjoyable to use, as the hair will be softer and have a wonderful feel. The cleaning process also makes stacking the hair easier. Item# 845